479.575 PEOPLE
People | Locations | Statistics |
Ziakopoulos, Apostolos | Athens |
Vigliani, Alessandro | Turin |
Catani, Jacopo | Rome |
Statheros, Thomas | Stevenage |
Utriainen, Roni | Tampere |
Guglieri, Giorgio | Turin |
Martínez Sánchez, Joaquín |
| |
Tobolar, Jakub |
| |
Volodarets, M. |
| |
Piwowar, Piotr |
| |
Tennoy, Aud | Oslo |
Matos, Ana Rita |
| |
Cicevic, Svetlana |
| |
Sommer, Carsten | Kassel |
Liu, Meiqi |
| |
Pirdavani, Ali | Hasselt |
Niklaß, Malte |
| |
Lima, Pedro | Braga |
Turunen, Anu W. |
| |
Antunes, Carlos Henggeler |
| |
Krasnov, Oleg A. |
| |
Lopes, Joao P. |
| |
Turan, Osman |
| |
Lučanin, Vojkan | Belgrade |
Tanaskovic, Jovan |
Kuhnimhof, Tobias Georg
RWTH Aachen University
in Cooperation with on an Cooperation-Score of 37%
- case study
- public transport
- data
- price
- automobile
- forecasting
- mobility-on-demand
- indicating instrument
- household
- data file
- pricing
- automobile travel
- modal shift
- mode choice
- cost structure
- skewed distribution
- driving
- automobile ownership
- age
- ownership
- market
- education
- occupation
- family
- biography
- driver licence
- need for mobility
- young adult
- travel pattern
- milepost
- labour market
- urban area
- light vehicle
- autonomous vehicle
- physical disability
- modernization
- railway train
- transport policy
- transportation policy
- traffic behavior
- travel
- profit
- multimodal transportation
- property
- carsharing
- bikesharing
- assessment
- international traffic
- face
- prevention
- motivation
- rain
- contaminant
- definition
- survey
- employed
- bicycling
- health
- logistic regression analysis
- adult
- walking
- sport
- shopping
- driver
- modeling
- costs
- vehicle fleet
- fuel
- travel time
- recommendation
- transport demand
- Research Context United States of America
- environmental impact
- air quality
- amendment
- passenger traffic
- traffic volume
- technology assessment
- Research Context Germany
- mobility behavior
- evolution
- cognition
- behavior modification
- passenger vehicle
- examination
- mobility culture
- traffic performance
- vehicle frame
- flood plain
- mobility survey
- interviewing
- peer group
- electric vehicle
- industry
- incentive
- estimating
- behavior
- microsimulation
- climate
- electric power generation
- shipment
- vehicle
- expenditure
- income
- database
- repairing
- insurance
- taxation
- travel survey
- fixed costs
- depreciation
- enamel
- solder
- estimate
- comfort
- passenger
- passenger car
- vehicle occupant
- constraint
- bottleneck
- automation
- expected value
- engine
- road
- infrastructure
- chemical element
- picture
- motor
- motor vehicle
- rural area
- traffic counting
- stratification
- key figure
- highway traffic
- electric power supply
- renewable energy source
- fee
- electric vehicle charging
- shopping facility
- sustainable transportation
- planning
- geography
- transportation engineering
- traffic safety
- traffic flow
- economics
- private transportation
- exploration
- traffic planning
- traffic mode
- structural engineering
- mechanical engineering
- data quality
- time series
- workshop
- smartphone
- sampling
- information retrieval
- recruiting
- city
- compliance
- pressure
- administration
- traffic model
- dissolution
- free fare
- local public transport
- city government
- variable
- data collection
- privacy
- research project
- crash
- video
- sensor
- road network
- delivery van
- trailer
- detector
- extrapolation
- delivery vehicle
- modulus
- design
- truck tractor
- federal government agency
- history
- Research Context Berlin
- accumulator
- charging station
- government
- mobility service
- charging infrastructure
- residential area
- parking
- sensitivity analysis
- e-mobility
- intercity traffic
- scientific method
- plug-in-hybrid
- street
- gas
- greenhouse gas
- no build
- autonomous driving
- trip distribution
- regulation
- ridesharing
- trip generation
- brain
- autonomous automobile
- valet parking
- focus group
- quantitative analysis
- economic growth
- developing country
- political science
- gross domestic product
- developed country
- air traffic
- monitoring
- region
- commuting
- contrast
- autumn
- vacation
- air travel
- holiday
- accounting
- speech
- business trip
- standardisation
- stakeholder
- decision making
- reflection
- Statistic
- descriptive statistic
- weight
- human being
- engineering
- poison
- decomposition
- injury
- advertising
- mobility pattern
- urban travel
- transit rider
- urban transit
- metropolitan area
- subway
- population growth
- researcher
- guideline
- production
- tenant
- modal split
- attention
- leveling
- market share
- takeoff
- consumer
- cladding
- city traffic
- urban mobility
- engineer
- locomotive engineer
- determinant
- male
- scientist
- mobility research
- gender
- health care
- employment
- residential location
- economic development
- socioeconomic development
- travel distance
- trip length
- personnel
- aggregate
- student
- tourism
- parent
- driver licensing
- bicycle
- neighborhood
- cyclist
- flexibility
- urban population
- school
- data analysis
- night
- hazard
- tourist
- operations research
- algorithm
- simulation
- scheduling
- timetable
- bus
- validation
- synthetic
- calibration
- correlation analysis
- maintenance
- specification
- reading
- odometer
- traveller
- traffic analysis
- work environment
- workplace
- employee
- choice model
- work trip
- travel cost
- expense
- pollution
- safety
- density
- environmental science
- management science
- urban design
- city planning
- energy resource
- sustainable development
- land use
- local government
- bridge
- architecture
- recreation
- restaurant
- recreational trip
- motion picture
- reliability
- telephone
- gateway
- school dropout
- highway
- traffic calming
- livability
- highway design
- design standard
- financing
- traffic lane
- highway engineer
- show 315 more
Publications (128/128 displayed)
- 2022NAIXTransit - Szenarien zu Netzkonfiguration und Organisation eines automatisierten ÖPNV am Beispiel Aachen. NAIXTransit - Scenarios for network configuration and organisation of an automated public transport system using Aachen as case study
- 2021Heute Emissionen, morgen (wieder) Platz? Herausforderungen für urbane Mobilität der Zukunft
- 2021Mobility-on-demand pricing versus private vehicle TCO : how cost structures hinder the dethroning of the carcitations
- 2021Next Generation Travel : Young Adults’ Travel Patterns
- 2021Automatisierte Leichtfahrzeuge : Parameteranalyse im urbanen Raum. Automated light vehicles : parameter analysis in urban areas
- 2021Potenziale autonomer Fahrzeuge zur Erweiterung der Mobilität von Bewegungs- und Wahrnehmungsbehinderten : eine Studie im Untersuchungsraum Aachen. The potential of autonomous vehicles to expand the mobility of people with physical and sensory disability
- 2021Zukunft des Stadtverkehrs : Rahmenbedingungen, Trends, Szenarien
- 2021Zukunft des Stadtverkehrs – Rahmenbedingungen, Trends, Szenarien
- 2021Mobility-on-demand pricing versus private vehicle TCO: how cost structures hinder the dethroning of the carcitations
- 2021Multimodality in Transportationcitations
- 2020Möglichkeiten der Bestimmung repräsentativer Verkehrsdaten zu Coronazeiten
- 2020The evolutionary path of automobility in BRICS countriescitations
- 2020Etablierung einer kombinierten Hitze- und Starkregenvorsorge. Introducing a combined approach of heat and heavy rain prevention
- 2020Klimawirksame Emissionen des deutschen Reiseverkehrs
- 2019Verkehr und seine Umweltwirkungen : Szenarien für Deutschland 2040
- 2019Active Travel as Stable Source of Physical Activity for One Third of German Adults: Evidence from Longitudinal Datacitations
- 2019Geht das Zeitalter des Automobils zu Ende? : Über Gegenwart und Zukunft der Mobilität
- 2019Does context matter? A comparative study modelling autonomous vehicle impact on travel behaviour for Germany and the USAcitations
- 2019Verkehr und seine Umweltwirkungen
- 2019Veränderungen im Mobilitätsverhalten zur Förderung einer nachhaltigen Mobilität - Schlussbericht
- 2019Comprehensive transportation and energy analysis: A price sensitive, time-specific microsimulation of electric vehicles
- 2018Mobilität in Deutschland − MiD: Ergebnisbericht
- 2018Stepwise modelling of the impact of autonomous vehicles on the transport system in Germany for different scenarios
- 2018Some pay much but many don’t: Vehicle TCO imputation in travel surveyscitations
- 2018Potential Fleet Size of Private Autonomous Vehicles in Germany and the UScitations
- 2018The German Vehicle Mileage Survey 2014: Striking the balance between methodological innovation and continuitycitations
- 2018Can renewable energy sources meet electric vehicle charging demand today and in the future? A microscopic time-specific travel demand analysis for Germany
- 2018A Systemic View on Autonomous Vehiclescitations
- 2018A Systemic View on Autonomous Vehicles: Policy Aspects for a Sustainable Transportation Planningcitations
- 2018Users of Transport Modes and Multimodal Travel Behaviorcitations
- 2018Nonresponse, Selectivity, and Data Quality in Travel Surveyscitations
- 2018Workshop Synthesis: Making the transition to new methods for travel survey sampling and data retrievalcitations
- 2018The travel demand impacts of fare-free regional public transport in Germany
- 2018Methodenentwicklung und -anwendung zur Priorisierung von Themen und Maßnahmen in der Energieforschung im Kontext der Energiewende
- 2017Still Going ... and Going. The emerging travel patterns of older adults
- 2017Potential Fleet Size of Private Autonomous Vehicles in Germany and the UScitations
- 2017Assessment of real-world vehicle data from electric vehicles – potentials and challenges
- 2017Verkehrssystemforschung am DLR - Mobil in Deutschland 2040. Teil 2: Die Szenarien des VEU-Projekts
- 2017Fahrleistungserhebung 2014 - Inlandsfahrleistung und Unfallrisiko ; German vehicle mileage survey 2014 - Kilometers travelled in Germany and accident risk
- 2017Fahrleistungserhebung 2014 - Inländerfahrleistung ; German vehicle mileage survey 2014 - Kilometers travelled by German motor vehicles
- 2017Vehicle cost imputation in travel surveys: Gaining insight into the fundamentals of (auto-) mobility choices
- 2017Verkehrssystemforschung am DLR - Mobil in Deutschland 2040. Teil 1: Der methodische Szenario-Ansatz im Projekt Verkehrsentwicklung und Umwelt
- 2017Fahrleistungserhebung 2014 - Inländerfahrleistung$von Marcus Bäumer, Heinz Hautzinger, Manfred Pfeiffer, Wilfried Stock (IVT Research GmbH, Mannheim), Barbara Lenz, Tobias Kuhnimhof, Katja Köhler (Institut für Verkehrsforschung, DLR, Berlin)
- 2016Building Up Demand-Oriented Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles in Germany. In: Transportation Research Procediacitations
- 2016LADEN2020 Schlussbericht: Konzept zum Aufbau einer bedarfsgerechten Ladeinfrastruktur in Deutschland von heute bis 2020
- 2016An approach to determine charging infrastructure for one million electric vehicles in Germany
- 2016Raumstrukturdaten als Input für Verkehrsnachfragemodelle: Grundlage für verlässliche Ergebnisse
- 2016Modelling the impact of automated driving
- 2016Modelling the Impact of Automated Driving. Private AV Scenarios for Germany and the US
- 2016Building Up Demand-Oriented Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles in Germanycitations
- 2016Globaler Verkehr I: Entwicklung des globalen Personenverkehrs und verkehrspolitische Implikationen
- 2016Autonomous Driving. The Impact of Vehicle Automation on Mobility Behaviour
- 2016Autonomous Driving - The Impact of Vehicle Automation on Mobility Behaviour
- 2015Automobility in Brazil, Russia, India, and Chinacitations
- 2014Fahrleistungserhebung 2014 – Inländerfahrleistung
- 2014Long Distance Mobility in Central Europe: Status Quo and Current Trends
- 2014Improving comparability of survey results through ex-post harmonisation - A case study with twelve European national travel surveys
- 2014Automobility in Brazil, Russia, India, and China: Quo Vadis?citations
- 2014Langstreckenmobilität – Aktuelle Trends und Zukunftsperspektiven
- 2014The Future of Driving in Developing Countries
- 2014Improving Comparability of Survey Results Through Ex-post Harmonization - a Case Study with Twelve European National Travel Surveys
- 2014Who Are the Drivers of Peak Car Use?citations
- 2014Post-harmonisation of NTS Data
- 2014Quo Vadis Europe? Mobility trends, future perspectives & implications for urban transit in Spain
- 2014Survey Harmonisation with New Technologies Improvement –SHANTI
- 2013Who are the drivers of peak car use?citations
- 2013Who Made Peak Car, and How? A Breakdown of Trends over Four Decades in Four Countries?citations
- 2013Mobility Y – The Emerging Travel Patterns of Generation Y
- 2013Mobility Scenarios for the Year 2030: Implications for Individual Electric Mobilitycitations
- 2013Mobility Cultures in Megacities: results from a global study: Selected Proceedings of the 13th WCTR, July 15-18, 2013 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- 2013Megacity Mobility Culture – How Cities Move on in a Diverse Worldcitations
- 2013Who Made Peak Car, and How? A Breakdown of Trends over Four Decades in Four Countriescitations
- 2013Who Are the Drivers of Peak Car Use? A Decomposition of Recent Car Travel Trends for Six Industrialized Countriescitations
- 2013Decomposing Young Germans’ Altered Car Use Patternscitations
- 2012Mobilitätstrends junger Erwachsener
- 2012Von der ‚Generation Golf‘ zur ‚Generation Multimodal‘ – Mobilitätstrends junger Erwachsener
- 2012Men Shape a Downward Trend in Car Use among Young Adults — Evidence from Six Industrialized Countriescitations
- 2012Travel trends among young adults in Germany: increasing multimodality and declining car use for men
- 2012Lower Incomes, More Students, Decrease of Car Travel by Men, More Multimodality: Decomposing Young Germans’ Altered Car Use Patterns
- 2012Hinweise zu Panel- und Mehrtageserhebungen zum Mobilitätsverhalten: Methoden und Anwendungen
- 2012Hinweise zu Panel- und Mehrtageserhebungen zum Mobilitätsverhalten : Methoden und Anwendungen
- 2011Scenarios for Mobility in the Year 2030 in Germany – Implications for Long Distance Travel and Tourism
- 2011A New Generation: Travel Trends among Young Germans and Britons
- 2011Zukunft der Mobilität – Szenarien für das Jahr 2030
- 2011Infrastruktur für weniger Menschen - Verkehrsmodelle zwischen Erwartungen und Ergebnisplausibilität
- 2011Mobilität junger Menschen im Wandel – multimodaler und weiblicher
- 2011A New Generationcitations
- 2011Multimodal Travel Choices of Bicyclistscitations
- 2010Tight Budgets or Environmental Awareness? The Changing Travel Behavior of Young Germans
- 2010The Multimodal Travel Choices of Bicyclists – A Multiday Data Analysis of Bicycle Use in Germanycitations
- 2010Emancipation from the Automobile? New Travel Trends among Young Germans
- 2010The Potential of Combining Established Household Survey Instruments in Order to Obtain Better Long-Distance Travel Data for Europe
- 2010Multimodal Travel Choices of Bicyclists - Multiday Data Analysis of Bicycle Use in Germanycitations
- 2010Infrastruktur für weniger Menschen - Verkehrsmodelle zwischen Erwartungen und Ergebnisplausibilität
- 2010Long distance travel in Europe today: Experiences with a new survey
- 2010Multiday Multiagent Model of Travel Behavior with Activity Schedulingcitations
- 2009Generating Internationally Comparable Figures on Long Distance Travel in Europecitations
- 2009Der Längsschnitt: Eine neue Dimension in der mikroskopischen Verkehrsmodellierung eröffnet neue Möglichkeiten
- 2009A Multiday Multiagent Model of Travel Behavior with Activity Schedulingcitations
- 2009Measuring und Modeling Multimodal Mode Use in the Longitudinal Sectioncitations
- 2009Longitudinal Simulation of Travel under Budget Constraints
- 2009Imputation of Mobility Costs in Odometer Reading Surveys
- 2009The Path to Better Long Distance Travel Data in Europe – The Potential of Combining Established Household Survey Instruments and Methodological Innovations
- 2009Fahrrad und ÖV versus MIV? – Analysen zur Konkurrenz und Synergie von Verkehrsmitteln auf Grundlage von Daten des Mobilitätspanels
- 2009Fahrrad und ÖV versus MIV? - Analysen zur Synergie und Konkurrenz von Verkehrsmitteln auf Grundlage von Daten des Mobilitätspanels. 12. SRL ÖPNV-Tagung 2009 / 2. Meetbike-Konferenz, SRL Berlin
- 2009Generating Internationally Comparable Figures on Long-Distance Travel for Europecitations
- 2009Long distance travel in Europe today: experiences with a new survey
- 2008Modelling Travel in the Context of Budget Constraints, Options and Routines
- 2008Longitudinal Modelling of Individual Travel Behaviour in the Context of Budget Constraints
- 2008Adding Value to Your Data: Analysis of Travel Expenses Based on Trip Diary and Enriched Odometer Reading Data
- 2008Incorporating transport energy into urban planningcitations
- 2007Längsschnittmodellierung der Verkehrsnachfrage zur Abbildung multimodalen Verhaltens
- 2007Do You Go to the Movies During Your Lunch Break?: Trip-Context Data-Based Modeling of Activitiescitations
- 2006Nonresponse, Selectivity, and Data Quality in Travel Surveys: Experiences from Analyzing Recruitment for the German Mobility Panelcitations
- 2006Multimodale Verkehrsmittelnutzer im Alltagsverkehr
- 2006Users of Transport Modes and Multimodal Travel Behavior: Steps Towards Understanding Travelers' Options and Choicescitations
- 2006Nonresponse, Selectivity, and Data Quality in Travel Surveys: Experiences from Analyzing the Recruitment for the German Mobility Panelcitations
- 2006Multimodale Nutzergruppen – Perspektiven für den ÖV
- 2006Users of Transport Modes and Multimodal Travel Behavior: Steps Toward Understanding Travelers' Options and Choices
- 2003Selectivity impacts on data quality due to nonresponse in multistage survey recruitment processes
- 2003Rules of nonresponse and selectivity – analysing the drop-out in the multistage recruitment process for the German Mobility Panel
- 2003„Rules of Non-Response and Selectivity – analysing the drop-out in the multistage recruitment process for the German Mobility Panel”. Paper presented and published at the European Transport Conference, Strasbourg, France
- 2003Bestimmung Multimodaler Personengruppen Schlussbericht zu FE 70.724-2003. Institut für Stadtbauwesen und Straßenverkehr (ISB) RWTH Aachen, Institut für Verkehrswesen (IfV) Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
- 2002Do You Go to the Movies During Your Lunch Break? Trip-Context-Data-Based Modelling of Activitiescitations
- 2001Infrastruktur für weniger Menschen - Verkehrsmodelle zwischen Erwartungen und Ergebnisplausibilität
- 2000Street Design and Community Livability
- 2000Streets that Serve Our Needs – Functional Classification for Livable Communities
- 2000Functional Classification: The Weak Link in Context Sensitive Roadway Design
Places of action